Meike - Galau

Judul Album : Galau 
Artis : Meike 
Tahun Produksi : 1990 
Music Director : Deddy Dores 
Produser : Erwin Indrawan 
Produksi : WIN Records 
Distributor : Atlantic Records

Sukses NIKE ARDILLA di genre slow rock membuat banyak penyanyi-penyanyi muda bermunculan dengan look yang hampir sama. DEDDY DORES yang mengorbitkan Nike pun menjadi rebutan produser untuk menggarap penyanyi-penyanyi mereka. Salah satu nama baru yang ditangani Deddy adalah penyanyi asal Semarang MEIKE ROSAMAE. Sebuah 'kebetulan' kalau nama MEIKE memang nyerempet ke nama NIKE, dan secara tampilan fisik Meike juga merepresentasikan perempuan berwajah khas Indonesia. Hanya saja secara karakter suara, Nike dan Meike memang berbeda. Pun ketika Deddy menyodorkan lagu GALAU yang setipe dengan lagu-lagu yang biasa dibawakan Nike, perbedaan itu jelas terasa. Suara Meike sebetulnya lebih ngepop, hanya dibalut dengan aransemen slow rock yang kental dengan distorsi gitar. Lagunya sendiri cukup catchy tapi sayangnya tidak begitu berhasil di pasaran. Nama Meike baru mengemuka saat di album berikutnya dia beralih ke genre pop dengan membawakan lagu KUSESALI hasil garapan TITO SOEMARSONO. 

Track List:

Deddy Dores & Rangga
Deddy Dores
Deddy Dores
Deddy Dores


Bila kudengar bisikan
Senandung angin malam
Yang membangkitkan rinduku
Bayang-bayang dirimu
Jadi lamunanku
Begitu mencekam jiwaku

Perasaan hatiku
Bila jauh darimu
Terasa sepinya diri
Gelisah tak menentu
Terkadang cemburu
Datang mengganggu pikiranku

Hanya dirimu
Yang ada di hatiku
Yang mampu menghapus rinduku
Galau perasaanku

Spirit Band - Salahkanku

Judul Album : Salahkanku 
Artis : Spirit Band 
Tahun Produksi : 1994 
Music Director : Eramono Soekaryo
Produser : Eramono Soekaryo 
Produksi : ERA Production

Ketika pertama kali muncul lewat album perdana mereka di tahun 1987, SPIRIT BAND lekat dengan image band fusion jazz, sebuah genre yang saat itu menjadi pilihan banyak anak muda. Kehadiran mereka saat itu disambut cukup baik lewat hits BAYANG BAYANG SEMU yang kental warna jazz-nya oleh tarikan vokalis KOMALA AYU. Begitupun mereka butuh waktu cukup lama untuk merilis album kedua di tahun 1992 dan cukup mengejutkan karena warna yang mereka usung menjadi lebih luas, selain fusion jazz mereka juga menyelipkan sentuhan blues, pop jazz, dan bahkan country. Di album ketiga mereka SALAHKANKU, musik mereka kembali mengalami perubahan karena di album ini warna mereka justru lebih ngerock! Komposisi personel di album ini adalah ERAMONO SOEKARYO (keyboard), KADEK RIHARDIKA (gitar), DEDDY PERMANA SAKTI (vokal), EDWIN SUMARYADI (bass), UCE HARIONO (drum) dan DIDIEK SSS (saxophone). Lagu andalan SALAHKANKU terdengar jauh berbeda dari warna musik mereka saat pertama muncul. Bahkan lagu-lagu dari album pertama sepert hits BAYANG BAYANG SEMU, TAWA dan MOTOR CADE juga mereka rombak menjadi bernuansa rock. Entah karena perubahan ini atau hal lain, album ini terbilang kurang mendapat sambutan dibanding dua album sebelumnya. Album ini sekaligus menjadi album terakhir mereka sampai saat ini. 

Track List:

Iief AR, Deddy Permana Sakti, Eramono Soekaryo
Didiek SSS & Djoko Badjang
Kadek Rihardika & Edwin Sumaryadi
Dadi Sufiyadi & Rizali Indrakesuma
Spirit Band & Ukky Soenardji
Eramono Soekaryo & Rina Novianti
Iief AR, Deddy Permana Sakti, Eramono Soekaryo
Didiek SSS & Deddy Permana Sakti


Tiada cinta, tiada suka
Semua yang pernah ada kini
Seakan sirna ditelan prahara

Lelah hati semakin jadi
Saat kau ada di sini
Kuingin kau pergi tinggalkan diriku

Salahkanku kasih
Atas semua yang terjadi
Salahkan diriku
Tak sanggup ku menanti

Cinta yang telah ada
Dalam diriku dan dirimu

Andaikan cinta kita
Kau sirami bagai bunga
Yang tanpa dahaga itu tiada berguna
Lupakan semua 

Kembar Group - Bunga Anggrek

Judul Album : Bunga Anggrek 
Artis : Kembar Group 
Tahun Produksi : 1975 
Music Director : Hengky Firmansyah 
Produser : Nomo Koeswoyo 
Produksi : Yukawi Records

Kehadiran ALEX dan JACOB KORENGKENG di industri musik Indonesia memang mempunyai poin plus dibandingkan para pendatang baru yang muncul di masa itu. Selain piawai memainkan beberapa alat musik dan bisa menciptakan lagu, posisi mereka sebagai saudara kembar juga menjadi selling point yang jarang dimiliki penyanyi lain saat itu, apalagi mereka juga muda dan good looking. Album pertama mereka rilis tahun 1974 lewat tangan dingin NOMO KOESWOYO, dan sejak itulah kehadiran KEMBAR GROUP berhasil mewarnai industri musik dengan sederet nomor-nomor hits. Di album keempat mereka BUNGA ANGGREK, mereka kembali mencatatkan penjualan bagus dan menjadikan lagu BUNGA ANGGREK menjadi hits. Karir mereka terbilang stabil di era 70an, dan bahkan memasuki era 80an, mereka berhasil menempatkan album mereka FRUSTRASI menjadi salah satu album terlaris saat itu dengan angka penjualan jutaan kopi. Bahkan sampai saat ini mereka masih tercatat di sejarah musik Indonesia sebagai pasangan kembar tersukses yang bisa eksis melahirkan banyak album laris. Side B album ini berisi lagu-lagu dari ELASTA GROUP.

Track List:
(track 1-10 Kembar Group, semua lagu ciptaan Kembar Group kecuali track 4 ciptaan Imam Kartolo. track 11-21 Elasta Group, composer not listed)



Bunga anggrek darimu
Tanda kasih untukku
Akan kusimpan selalu
Walaupun telah layu

Oh kekasih, kekasihku
Janganlah engkau ragu
Akan cintaku kepadamu

Dikala aku rindu
Padamu kekasihku
Bunga anggrek darimu
Pengganti dirimu

Mayangsari - Percayalah Kasih

Judul Album : Percayalah Kasih 
Artis : Mayangsari 
Tahun Produksi : 1990 
Produser : Handoko Kusuma 
Produksi : Harpa Records 
Distributor : Bursa Musik

Sukses album keduanya SELAMAT MALAM CINTA membuat MAYANGSARI mempunyai 'nilai jual' di industri rekaman. Setelah sebelumnya namanya hanya menjadi pelengkap dan ada di urutan kesekian di track list album-album kompilasi, akhirnya Mayang punya cukup kekuatan untuk menjadi penyanyi utama yang dijagokan dan lagunya menjadi ujung tombak penjualan. Seperti di album PERCAYALAH KASIH yang kalau hanya melihat sekilas dari cover albumnya yang memajang foto dan namanya saja, terkesan ini adalah album solo Mayang, padahal Mayang hanya menyanyikan satu lagu saja yang menjadi andalan. PERCAYALAH KASIH diciptakan oleh nama baru yang belum dikenal: DADY & B. BAWANA, tapi ternyata Mayang berhasil membuat lagu ini disukai dan menjadi hits pada masanya. Memang secara materi, lagu pop bernuansa slow rock semacam ini sedang digandrungi dan tentu saja menjadi 'makanan' Mayang. Pada fase setelah ini, Mayang kemudian mulai menekuni genre slow rock melayu pasca suksesnya JANGAN PISAHKAN hasil duetnya dengan DEDDY DORES. 

Track List:

Dady & D. Bawana
Dommy Allen
Dommy Allen
Timur P & Anang Arek
Ness Band
Hari Yoseph
Oki Oktaviani
Rangga S. Tina
Rangga S. Tina
Maman Pelu
Nita Purnama
Didi Bofa & Danindra
Didi Bofa
Halim KR
Gatot S.
Deddy Dores
Deddy Dores
Leo Manuputty & Yudhie NH
Cut Irna


Di kesunyian malam yang kelam
Mataku tak mampu terpejam
Bayang-bayang dirimu selalu hadir
Di saat menjelang tidurku

Gelisah kurasakan setiap waktu
Tanpa kau ada di sisiku
Walau kau telah pergi entah kemana
Di sini aku menantimu

Kasih, masihkah kau ingat
Sumpah dan janji kita
Untuk saling tetap mencinta
Walau apapun yang akan terjadi

Percayalah kasih akan cintaku
Hanya satu untukmu

Malida - Lelah Jiwaku

Judul Album : Lelah Jiwaku 
Artis : Malida 
Tahun Produksi : 1986 
Music Director : Pius 
Produser : Tommy Darmo 
Produksi : Mustika Records 
Distributor : Ria Cipta Abadi Records

ROSMALIDA SOEDRADJAT a.k.a. MALIDA mencuat namanya saat merilis single SEMUA JADI SATU bersama kelompok 2D. Boleh jadi orang mengenalnya sebagai pendatang baru di industri musik saat lagu itu melejit menjadi hits, padahal langkahnya di industri rekaman sudah terjejak sejak lama hanya saja belum berhasil mencetak hits. Sempat merilis album di genre pop melankolis dengan nama LYDIA, kemudian direkrut BILLY J. BUDIARJO untuk menyanyikan lagu soundtrack film YANG dan BIARKAN KAMI BERCINTA, lalu digaet DODO ZAKARIA untuk merilis album DETAK JANTUNG di genre pop kreatif, sempat juga mendukung album JIMMIE MANOPO dan JAKARTA RHYTHM SECTION sebagai backing vocal, tapi namanya tidak juga berhasil mengemuka. Tapi upayanya tidak berhenti. Di tahun 1986 Malida kembali ke genre pop melankolis dengan merilis album LELAH JIWAKU yang didukung deretan komposer seperti BARTJE VAN HOUTEN, DADANG S. MANAF, ADRIYADIE, ARCHE RAMPENGAN, RYAN KYOTO, RUDY RAMPENGAN dan ANDI NASUTION. Lagu andalan LELAH JIWAKU sebetulnya cukup catchy dan berhasil dibawakan Malida dengan pas sesuai kebutuhan lagu. Hanya saja kali ini upaya Malida-pun belum beroleh hasil. Album ini tidak mampu bersaing dengan album-album sejenis yang saat itu membanjiri pasar. 

Track List:

Bartje Van Houten
Arche Rampengan
Dadang S, Manaf
Dadang P.
Andi Nasution
Rudy Rampengan
8. KAU
Pius & Heirrie
Eddie Rajab
Ryan Kyoto


Pernahkah engkau menyadari
Betapa lelah jiwa ini
Letih hati ini
Hidup bersamamu

Tak pernah kutahu salahku
Dan juga kutahu dosaku
Semoga kau selalu terjerat
Di mata hatiku

Kau yang berdusta
Kau yang telah menyakiti hatiku
Namun diri membisu
Kata maafmu ku tak perlu

Manakah kasihmu
Ibakah hatimu
Lihatlah sinar di mataku
Di sana kan kau lihat
Betapa lelah jiwaku

SoraSoft Free Premium Looking Blogger Template 2021

SoraSoft Blogger template

SoraSoft Blogger template is a uniquely designed premium looking Blogspot theme with a stylish and responsive layout

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SoraSoft Blogger template is a uniquely designed premium looking Blogspot theme with a stylish and responsive layout. This theme is created for publishing software and apps on Blogger Platform with its easy to edit features and functionalities. This theme lets you customize your blog more professionally with its easy to It is a fully working theme with a three-column design. So, Lets you can create ads-friendly blogs with properly placed ad slots.


Do you need help editing your blog? Use sora Blogger Template Customization Service. Simply to Order Your paid Customization Needs!  Experts Author Will Help You!  If you need Basic setup instruction. How to Install a SoraSoft Blogger Template? View this Advanced Template Configuration Instructions Support tips Here.

It is a stylish and fast loading theme with great features and excellent functionality full Based on the new generation framework.  This theme serves the latest schema structure and googles rich results. This is a theme with a uniquely responsive layout that can adjust its user according to the screen size. 

This theme suits any kind of professional blogging niche specially made for stylish news blogs, and also can be used to create a blog for many other niches like tech, Amazon Affiliate, sports, movies, reviews, recipes. authority, businesses, etc. 

SoraSoft  Blogger Template is a super cool blogger template adjusted on high speed and flexibility, the theme fits perfectly any kind of blog especially photography, travel, or journal blogs.

Being a fully different designed theme, it helps a blogger template customizer for an easy appearance change. Red, White, Balck, Gallery, 3 Columns Footer, 2 Columns, Fast Loading, Browser Compatibility, WhatsApp Sharing, Minimalist, Seo Ready, Elegant, Google, Ads Ready, 1 Sidebar, 1 Right Sidebar, Clean, Magazine, Right Sidebar, Post Thumbnails, Responsive, Social Bookmark Ready, Drop Down Menu, AMP, Blogger Layout Version 3.0, Mega Menu, Technology.

It will give you a complete Sora Soft blogger template that's really customized user friendly, how it does in the reduced speed and there are other features.

SoraSoft Blogger Template was made with many techniques to produce the best Scores on Google Search engine, including highly code quality and SEO.

Uniquely Features of Colorify Blogger themes

  1. Responsive Design
  2. Three column style
  3. Index fast on google
  4. Excellent Newsletter Form
  5. Breadcrumbs Navigation
  6. Beautiful Social share buttons
  7. FontAwesome icon
  8. Darkish Mode footer

Responsive Design

SoraSoft Blogger Template has a fully responsive design and it works properly on all devices. But! this Blogger Template is clearly sketched on the desktop being some of the elements look great. 

Excellent Load More button

It begins a new and well-designed Load More button make just above the top footer area give awsome exploring experience. It gives the website a new look and attracts readers to view posts easily. This occurs with free and premium versions of the SoraSoft blogger Template.

Beautiful Social share buttons

SoraSoft blogger theme comes with beautiful social share icons. The icons are looking very premium in shape.

Special features of the Template

  • 100% Responsive Design
  •  Auto Translated
  •  Shortcode Supported
  •  Beautiful Top Navigation widget Menu
  •  black ash Mode appearance
  •  Featured Posts by (Label, Recent or Popular Posts)
  •  Top Header Ads
  •  Trending Posts by (Label, Recent or Popular Posts)
  •  Home Ads
  •  AdSense (In-Feed Ads) on Homepage
  •  Left and right Sidebar
  •  Full-Width Mode
  •  Awesome font Mega Menu
  •  Responding to YouTube Videos to Setup tips
  • Difficult Author Box
  • Content Rating options 
  •  Advanced Related Posts (unique)
  •  Ready Emoji for Comment 
  •  Disqus and Facebook Comments
  •  Embed Video and Image in Comments Via Links.
  •  Sidebar Post Widgets by (Label, Recent or Comments)
  •  Footer Ads
  •  Copyright footer
  •  Awesome About Section
  •  Footer Menu about us, privacy policy, contact us 
  •  Fast Loaded
  •  SEO Optimized
  •  Fully Customizable Background, Widths, Colors, and Fonts
  •  Lifetime Template Updates to Premium Version

Performance and Documentation

GooglePageSpeed 98% - Check it now

GTmetrix 98% - Check it now

Mobile-Friendly Yes - Check it now

Detailed Documentation - Check it now

Sorabloggingtips Post Shortcodes 2 now

Video Tutorial - How to Setup SoraSoft Blogger Template

This Blogger Template is fully simple as the blogger dashboard to customize. You don't need to know basic coding knowledge.

It also supports sora blogging tips postcodes so you can simply design your blog post with a key case, all features, etc. 

You can also easily add a boxed Version with different and figure post. You can also add a touch style, and more using the shortcodes. 

Stay our Latest Updates on Blogging tips & Tricks and google Blogspot templates Needs any help contact us on the contact page.

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Gridster Blogger Template 2021

 Gridster Blogger Template

Gridster Blogger Template is a Responsive minimalist looking Blogspot theme. It is built for any kind of writers who are building a Grid style online,

Gridster Blogger Template is a top Professional class and responsive blog custom blogger template by btemplates. In this post, we’re giving a different skillful blog blogger template. It is a full Search engine optimized and simple responsive designed blogger template for the Blogspot platform.

 Live Preview  Free Download

This theme Part is a minimalist and original blogger template with plenty of lots of features. You can edit template fonts and appearances with one click from the Template author easily. Additional Settings including You need to replace features of the part with yours that make the email support box that works awesomely. Also To change the social icons links you need to explore and changes the URLs shortly in your template code. It is a free Blogger template with 2 columns, SEO friendly, right-sidebar, gallery-styled.

It minimalist, an elite design for Blogger, ads ready, social bookmarking icons, posts thumbnails, breadcrumbs, pagination, related posts assist well-sketched threaded comments, and simple colors, and more.

Gridster template for blogs to use as a support to create who own design, photography,  write a journal, or portfolio websites.

Colorify Blogger Template 2021

 Colorify Blogger Template

Colorify is a high quality modern blogger template provided on super speed and flexibility.

Colorify is a premium and free Creative magazine blogger template.  Expectations you're any blogging project so you can create a super modern blog on the blogger platform.

Colorify is a super responsive design on high speed and flexibility theme fits well any kind of device on mobile and desktops in a moment.

This theme comes with many different features to help you create a powerful and unique website about blogs personal, photography, travel, or biography blogs.

This theme looks excellent on tablets and mobile gadgets with outstanding design and retina graphics. It develops loaded with great widgets, full screen, and boxed layouts, covers unlimited color schemes, a custom of fonts, figures, and more.

This ready theme is made with the latest techniques to achieve the best Scores on Google SERP with the right meta give you blog top on the search engine properly.

Colorify Blogger Template is SEO friendly and google Adsense compatible blogger blog theme by templateify. That you can easily use and customize design by some work by shortcodes.

It is 100% Responsive Design and Auto Translated RTL theme with Beautiful Arabic Font Supported. Also, have One-Click Dark Mode with a Boxed home page layout. Constructed Impressive Ajax Mega Menu Advanced full cover Featured Post and Header Ads make money by ads.

If you are going to build a blogger site, this is the best choice for you.

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  • Trending Posts Label, Recent or Popular Posts
  • AdSense (In-Feed Ads) on Homepage
  • Table of Contents
  • 3 Post Ads Sections on Post Page
  • Responsive YouTube Videos
  • Advanced Related Posts (new)
  • Disqus and Facebook Comments
  • Embed Video and Image in Comments Via Links.
  • Sidebar Post 3 Widgets
  • Label, Recent, or Comments on Sidebar
  • Footer Ads
  • Advanced Newsletter Form
  • Awesome About Section
  • Custom Footer Copyrights
  • Footer Menu
  • Native Cookie Consent
  • Templateify Post Shortcodes 2.0
  • Fast Loaded
  • SEO Optimized
  • Fully Customizable Background, Widths, Colors, and Fonts
  • premium option by Lifetime Template Updates

Super Pro Blogger Template 2021

Super Pro Blogger Template 

Super Pro Blogger Template is a stylish and super fast loading Blogspot theme with Ads Ready, Clean, Minimalist, Seo Ready, for Magazine websites.

Super Pro is a free premium blogger template adapted from WordPress with 1 column, SEO friendly, right-sidebar, left-sidebar, an elite design for Bloggers. 

Super Pro Blogger Template is a Ads Ready Minimalist futuristic looking with a super stylish and fast loading quality design theme. 

This theme is built on the bloggers' new generation framework. So it supports the latest schema markups and gives you google's rich results.  

Super Pro Blogger Template is a speedy loading and super SEO optimized theme. It is created with a professional technique and beautiful looks with keeping a simple blogger theme design creativity. 

This theme will give your blog a adept appearance with its up to the pro brand purpose. 

with excellent features and wondrous functionality, this theme lets you customize your blog in a higher professional approach with its easy to way features and functionalities. This theme added supports the blogger's modern generation image URL formation.  

Based on the unique art structure of a blogger this theme helps the most advanced layout construction and effective results. This is a fully managing theme that lets you easy to create extraordinary looking blogs in no time. 

This theme is best suited for building blogs of news, personal blogging, tech, sports, movie, DIY, recruitments, schools, institutes, academic recipes, authority, reviews, etc. 

It is a professional theme for suits any creative news websites, That is a powerful full theme with a super responsive layout that can adapt according to the user screen size. 

This theme has an elegant full hero header with recent/random and label based highlighted features posts. 

Check out other features of the SuperPro Blogger Template. This theme has many able features that let you create any kind of topic on the blog for almost any blogging niche. 

Also Loaded with pro looks, this theme is perfect to create personal fashion magazine blogs without any hassle. 

This is a very customizable theme with simple color designs and backgrounds, Adapted From WordPress, Simple, Fast Loading, Responsive.  

It is a fully customization theme, it helps all about changing. big Slideshow, bright, White, Responsive, Social Bookmark Ready, Drop Down Menu, 2 Columns, Fast Loading, Ads Ready, Clean, Minimalist, Seo Ready, Magazine Post Thumbnails, Browser Compatibility, WhatsApp Sharing, AMP, super Mega Menu, Technology. Gallery, 3 Columns Footer more.

Live Preview  Download GET HOSTING

Kinsley Blogger Template 2021

Kinsley Blogger Template

Kinsley Blogger Template is an elegant and beautiful looking Blogspot theme with a stylish design that helps you create excellent blogs in a few click.

Kinsley Blogger Template is a minimal looking unique design Free Blogspot blogging blog theme. That helps you create outstanding blogger websites of travel, photography, and DIY projects, personal blog. 

This is a pro elegant theme that includes the number of widgets ready and fast loading that doesn't waste time. 

If you are looking to make a website with the use of a professional free blogger template, you will it can try quickly with Kinsley. 

 Live Preview  Download GET HOSTING

About of Kinsley

Kinsley multi blogging theme is perfect for all cool blogging topics. Anyone can start a blog with a full free download without hassle. 

Based on a high-quality framework this is a deeply optimized theme with a premium home page layout. It is a well responsive theme to adjust the screen size of the user’s device type. 

You can use this theme to make the SEO Ready Fashion Photography Portfolio Designs blog in no time. This theme clean and stylish that created by OddThemes. 

Kinsley Minimal Blogger Template equipped two style Standard Posts and Grid Posts.

This theme different from the extra future full-screen modern slider, aesthetic design. 

With come, unique bold numbered Paginations, a smart sticky menu bar, Instagram photos in the Header of the website. Build with modern stretch Slider, Numbered gadgets, etc. 

This responsive template is converted from the WordPress child theme. It also elements a rich blogger template. 

Amazing of its features are user catching design, fresh and elegant look, fast loading, full SEO optimized, drop-down flying menus, form email subscription widget, custom search bar, page exploration.

Lightweight and Speed

You know Google likes fast blogs, so Kinsley scores best outcomes on PageSpeed Insights performance tests. Created lightweight flexibility by Loads in Instant Reduced Weight on pro Version.

Premium Version

Kinsley has the paid version blogger template.  If you need no Encrypted Code Scripts and without Footer Credits theme for your site, you can buy the premium option. that is a more fully responsive scheme and built on HTML5 and CSS3 (with jquery). 

This theme price is only $14.99 and it comes with aesthetic design etc.


  • Fully Responsive
  • Google Testing Tool Validator
  • Mobile Friendly
  • SEO friendly design
  • Custom 404 Page
  • Browser Compatibility
  • Fast Loading
  • Google Rich
  • White
  • 2 Column
  • 3 Column Footer
  • Ads Ready
  • Clean Layout
  • Drop Down Menu
  • Whatsapp Sharing
  • Social Sharing


This theme has many customization options that let you change colors and backgrounds easily. 

Here are the steps follow to configure and setup our Kinsley Minimal Fashion Blogger Template. But, If are not an expert make sure to see full documentation.

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Euro 2020 Fonts

Photo by Pedro Fiúza/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Blog Coupon Blogger Template 2021

 Blog Coupon Blogger Theme

Blog Coupon Blogger Theme is best for coupon blogs, which use to create a blog with free coupons and publish for deals, offers, affiliate, token free, and paid.

Blog Coupon Blogger Template is the best simple token blogger blogging theme in the blogger world. Which is really built only to coupon blogs of relevant websites, it has unique and wondrous features that give the best action of free. Are you went to build the affiliate & offering coupons blogger blog and find a  coupon sharing template on the internet. Use to Blog Coupon theme for your Blogspot blog that it 100% perfect for any type of coupons, deals, and discount related blogs, share your deal site, discount and coupon simply into homepage without any problems. Blog Coupon template should suit any type of Crazy lady blog, Local couponing blogs, Socal token blog. This theme also perfect for build the amazon gift code blog. That to apply voucher code and make money from your blog. Check out this theme Your For website or blog. Get some click to design your site without At No Cost. One of most The theme for coupon publishing and help to other bloggers. It is also responsive on mobile or desktop. So coupon theme free download to the hare, I also recommend you use paid service because free to better. 

Live Preview  Download GET HOSTING


  • The best Responsive
  • Google Testing Tool Validator
  • Mobile-Friendly
  • Drop Down Menu
  • Social Sharing
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • Custom 404 Page
  • Fast Loading
  • Deals
  • Seo Friendly
  • Slider
  • Ads Ready
  • Clean Layout
  • Coupon
  • Business
  • Simple Design
  • Browser Adaptability

Nitro Blogger Template 2021

 Nitro Blogger Template

Nitro Blogger Template is a minimal Blogspot theme with an elegant and simple look to reach the perfect SEO score and loading time

Nitro Blogger Template is a powerful ultra-fast loading with the best SEO score rating and modern-looking layouts blogspot blogging blog theme. With this theme, you can develop any news trading niche used to create, customize, balance, and best adjust your topic Format. 

So, This is the best-suited theme for any online product review project. It comes with ready to use layouts for different to other bloggers. It is everything the latest look, high-quality functionality, responsive design to mobile devices. 

Nitro is a minimal Blogger theme with the best ways to give the highest page speed score of loading time. 

This theme is surprisingly simple to use and build, lightweight, and image pleasant. It delivers fast on desktop and mobile devices, creating a search engines friendly Blogspot blog. 

Nitro is the smallest Blogspot theme, that comes with some right Sidebar Featured Post, Popular Posts, Facebook, Categories, Tags widgets which make your blog succeed. 

More exceeding, it is a robust, multipurpose blogger Theme. It suits any kind of blogging industry. It is easy to place upon the blogger platform. 

This is a fully responsive theme with excellent looks and schemes. Including attractive widgets and options, this theme lets you create leading blogs in a few clicks. 

This theme is fully SEO friendly whit has the latest meta tags that boosts your search engine ranking. That is a stunning, modern, and clean looking free exclusive surface preference website template. 

Whether you turn the online market, you can now build a beautiful online blog quickly. In very response to the scheme and all the many features, it works an excellent result. It is a fast loading based experience and organization template crafted for all sort of function, workshop, analysis, panel, and rich quality web theme. 

This template is crafted perfectly to assist the best pleasant user action and its wondrous purpose can bring users instantly. 

It is so easy to customize as all elements and segments are well-documented. It comes with all the structures, ingredients, and features you need to create a perfect display area. 

If you are looking for a great looking and web template for the game review site, It is a perfect plan. This Blogger Template is a complete and simple looking theme with a stylish design. 

This theme is fully responsive and has an advanced admin arrangement that helps you enhance the front-end experience for the readers. 

Based on the blogger's most advanced generation dashboard this theme helps schema markups. It is a presence and niche-focused blogger theme, with deeply SEO optimized codes and a fast-loading design.

This theme is mainly adjusted for Review blogs and Niche blogs. but it can be applied for many other niches like tech, news, specialist, howTo, cooking, recipe, travel, personal blogging, online projects, academy, businesses, etc.

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1. First Responsive 100%
2. Fresh Layout
3. Simple Design
4. 2 Column, Magazine Style
5. Drop Down Menu
6. Flexible Social Sharing button
7. Latest HTML5 & CSS3 coding
8. All Browser Compatibility
9. Google Testing Tool Validator pass
10. Mobile Friendly
11. Simple and clean
12. Whatsapp Sharing
13. super SEO Friendly
14. Ads Ready
15. Custom 404 Page
16. Fast Loading
17. schema markup uses
18. Google Rich
19. Minimalist